Are you considering foster care or adoption?

Children of all ages are waiting right here in Texas! We will provide your home study and the ongoing support you need as the necessary steps are completed to certify your home. Changing a child’s life will be one the biggest things you’ve ever done, and one of the most rewarding.

Burke Center Child Placement Agency is happy to offer a more personalized experience for each family, including monthly training, up to date news, and an individual who truly cares about the success of the child as well as your home.

We strive to make connections that last.

Family Portrait

Por favor vea nuestro folleto para más información.

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En Espanol

Elibility guidelines to become a Foster Family:

-At least 21 years of age
-High school diploma preferred, or pass our agency exam
-Must not have a history of abuse (child or adult)
-Must pass a criminal background check
-Adequate home inspections from Fire and Health departments
-At least 80 sq ft of bedroom space for each child
-Caregivers are in good emotional and physical health

Our agency will conduct a thorough home study and must ascertain that the parent(s) have good judgment and are of good character.

To apply to become licensed as a foster family, please call one of our branch offices. We also serve the surrounding areas.

Hands of kids