Ex-priest now ministers to troubled boys

“Christmas for some of these kids is a sad time. Most of them know they have somebody out there but they don’t know how to get to them. They fantasize about mothers and fathers they don’t know. The saddest time is bedtime. They are not in their own homes. The staff realizes if they weren’t here, these kids would have nobody at all.”

–Charles Campise, Director, Darden Hill Ranch School.

Darden Hill: A “last chance” at rehabilitation for disturbed boys, this very special school enjoys remarkable success

By: Henry R. Hubben

Seven years ago Darden Hill Ranch School opened and began providing unconventional but effective solutions for boys for whom convention had failed.

Located at Dripping Springs, Darden Hill is a residential therapeutic treatment center for emotionally disturbed boys. For many of these boys, Darden Hill is a last chance at rehabilitation before being institutionalized in state hospitals. The sense of purpose and serious intent demanded by this last chance permeates the boys and staff alike at Darden Hill.